Sagrada Artisans - Errata & Clarifications
Everything below is changed as-of the first printing (look for 2022 near the UPC on the back of the box).
Rule Book
Page 1 - Component List
Incorrectly lists that 18 envelopes are visible. It should say 19 envelopes are visible. (Note: Those with the Kickstarter or Direct Edition also have "Promo Envelope Y", for a total of 20)
Page 4 - Draft a Die (medium)
You must select any 1 die from the Cathedral Board on each of your turns. Selecting a die is not optional.
Page 4 - Visual Accessibility Note
Incorrect reference to the green die having texture. It should say blue.
Page 5 - Tools (high)
Incorrectly says that you can may use 1 tool. Should say any tools available to you (consistent with the summary in ‘Abilities’ section on Page 4)
Page 6 - Broken Window / Empty Space
Fixed minor typos to clarify “broken window space” and “empty space” references
Various minor adjustments
- P2: Added a window icon and mention of current window for private objectives
- P6: Fixing Legacy Point illustration
- P6: Adding window icons
- P7: Minor typo “record” to “recorded” for family crest color change ability.
- P7: Adding location of Market tracks
Envelopes & Their Contents
Envelope A
- Illustration incorrectly references an older version of the durability check area. The functionality of this Tool remains the same.
Envelope B
- Envelope Inside: Incorrectly references "Skill Check Area". This should say "Durability Area". This reference is correct on the sticker card.
- Clarification: This sticker may indeed be placed over the Durability Area of Tool B
Envelope J (medium)
Sticker J3: Setup the Rare Glass Die - Clarifying that the standard colors must be different (as stated on the back of the card itself)
Envelope M (high)
Sticker M2: Changed incorrect reference to “last place player” to be “last player”, as-in the player who played last during the round.
Envelope N
- Sticker N: Clarifying the Family Crest Ability to say “recorded color”, not “color recorded here”. The color is recorded on the sticker, not in the rulebook.
- Envelope Inside: Added reference to the Dedication Ability being found at the back of the rules
Envelope Q
- Window O - Spaces Adjacent to Large Spaces: The description on the cover and inside the booklet should say that the large space is adjacent to eight, not six, spaces.
- Window O - Masterwork Spaces: All masterwork spaces (but specifically the arrows placed by the 1 & 2) may have an arrow point to a large space. They may not be placed in the large spaces.
- Window O - Masterwork Spaces: Each of the 3 different arrow symbols is considered to be a distinct value from the other symbols (and from all numbers), regardless of their rotation.
- Window O - Masterwork Spaces: Each of the 3 different arrow symbols is considered to be the same value as that symbol in another Masterwork space, regardless of their rotations. Placing two of a given masterwork space would indeed award points for Objective C.
- Window O - Masterwork Spaces: Using tools / abilities, you can change the color of a masterwork space. When scoring, score every space with an arrow according to the rules, whether or not the space is orange.
Envelope T (medium)
- Sticker T1: Durability Check: Clarifying to say " tool cards are durable...” on the durability sticker
- Envelope Inside: Incorrect reference to continuing on the Outro Card. Should say to continue on the Intro Card.
Envelope U
Clarification on the name of the sticker card in the contents list.
Envelope X
"Unconstructed Matches" should read "point", not "points".
Last Sheet - End of Game
Added a reminder to step 2 about discarding duplicate tools in a 2-player game before placing them in the market box.
Back Flap - Outside
Player Turns: Incorrectly states that you can only use each type of ability once. The rule book (P4 - Abilities) is correct.
Back Flap - Inside
- Magic Square Scoring: Clarifying that rows / columns only score the first time you achieve a row / column with no repeated colors. Each of these objectives give a max of 3 total points
- Magic Square Rules: Clarifying that it’s the magic square that doesn’t have a value filled (previously could be mistaken to read that the window space in your journal wouldn't have a value filled)
Window 6
New rules should read "up to as many as 7 neighboring spaces", not 6
Window 10
Tool 30 - Should read "spaces", not "space", like Tool 29
Tool Cards
Tool 2 - Grinding Stone (high)
Reworded to “fill with flipped value” to align better with the writing of the rules. Changed the note to mention that any other value flips to 0.