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Fall in Love (again) Winter 2021


We’re very excited to announce the hit game Fog of Love is joining the Floodgate Games lineup!

Fog of Love, a two-player romantic comedy as a board game that has players exploring love and relationships through interesting and quirky scenarios , fitting right in as a game that creates everlasting experiences!

Originally published by Hush Hush Projects to critical acclaim, Fog of Love has grown to include three content expansions, It Will Never Last, Paranormal Romance, and Trouble with The In-Laws. Each of these expansions adds new content for players to experience. 

“I’ve been utterly fascinated with Fog of Love since it’s Kickstarter project and beyond -- it’s an honor to be able to bring this incredibly unique game to your table.” - Ben Harkins, Owner

Floodgate Games is ready to take Fog of Love to the next level with even more expansions and stories to tell. Already planned is a full expansion that focuses on queer and transgender stories and the situations that reflect those communities. 

This release will be joined by an all new expansion: Love on Lockdown, a love story that explores the relationship quirks and challenges of the strange events from the past year. With these expansions and a planned reprint of the core game coming in Q4 2021, longtime fans and newcomers to the game have much to look forward to!


“The wonderful thing about Fog of Love is that anyone can identify with the trials, tribulations, and silly situations that arise in relationships. These shared experiences are what gaming is all about!” - Ian Birdsall, Marketing Manager

Fall in Love (Again) this Winter, 2021!